On November 6, local Democrat Erik Weber launched his campaign for the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, saying he wants to give voters a real choice on the ballot and bring a forward-looking perspective to county government.
“The underlying principles of my campaign are community, conversation and culture,” Erik said. “I believe we as a community are all in it together. That means we must have conversations with each other as we work to preserve our rich and diverse culture for future generations.”
Erik has lived in Henderson County for 15 years and is well known as a coach for youth sports and as the co-founder of the popular Blue Ghost Brewing in Fletcher. He has a bachelor’s degree in biology from Mercyhurst University in Pennsylvania and has worked for both Henderson and Buncombe Counties in the field of environmental health with a focus on land management.
“My agenda is to listen to the people and engage with as many voters as I can,” Erik said. “I enjoy listening to people’s issues and concerns and developing a plan of action. You might say that bringing people together is my superpower.”
Erik credits his experience on the ballfields of Henderson County for motivating him to run for office.
“Coaching keeps my calendar a little chaotic, but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything,” he said. “When I see young athletes learning to work together and giving their all for the team, I remember the things that genuinely matter in life. I chose to enter the race because I want to do everything I can to ensure that these young people have a future that is as bright and filled with opportunity as possible.”
Erik volunteers on several community boards, including the Fletcher Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. “I’ve always had a desire to serve my community and to set a positive example for my children, Grace and Jack,” he said. “I’m thankful to live in such an amazing place.”
In 2021, Erik ran for Fletcher Town Council, losing by only 60 votes. He views the experience as overwhelmingly positive. “I’m especially proud that I helped increase the number of people voting so much that they had to bring in additional voting machines.”
Meeting people during the campaign made a lasting impression. “Talking to folks one-on-one reinforced my belief that there are a lot more good people than the news would make you think. And most of us want the same things—an affordable home, a healthy environment, and strong schools.”
Erik notes that as a Democrat and someone who is much younger than the average age of current commissioners, he offers voters a choice they haven’t had in several years. “I want to work to make Henderson County a place where our children can grow up and live a good life. To do that, we need to better support our public schools and educators, protect our environment and carefully consider the impact our land-use choices will have on future generations. We have to be proactive and never lose sight of who we work for, which is all the people of Henderson County, not just a few powerful individuals.”
Erik invites Henderson County Dems and Friends to visit his website at www.erikweberforhendersoncounty.com. He also welcomes people to contact him directly at erikweb09@gmail.com to learn more about his campaign. “I’m excited to engage with our community and have conversations, which hasn’t happened much in recent years. I hope to raise awareness about important local issues and find ways we can be more supportive of all people. I hope you will join me. As we all know, creating change will take an all-hands-on-deck effort, but I know we are up for it.”
An ActBlue donation button is available on his website as well as opportunities to take an active role in this important effort to bring reasonable, forward-looking leadership to our county.
