June 15th, 1-4pm
We are having a joint effort with NCDP called Project 100. YOU can join us in voter engagement with some door-knocking! This is NOT GOTV. Our HCDP GOTV door-knocking efforts will begin on September 7th. (SO PACE YOURSELF IF YOU PLAN TO DO THAT AS WELL!)
What is this?
This is an opportunity to visit with our neighbors, to "see where they are at" right now. Which issues, local or national, are important to them? Do they already know how they may vote? This is an opportunity to listen and engage, not necessarily persuade. Trainings leading up to the event will be available online and via Zoom. Similar to what you may have done in the past, you will have a buddy to canvass with. We will only be doing this for several weeks and there will be a break between this effort and our GOTV plan. Talking and listening to folks in Henderson County will be one of the best steps we can make for both our local candidates and statewide ones as well.
If you have questions, please email me at myhcdpchair@gmail.com. You can sign up now, and we will make sure you get links to all the information.